Sunday, May 6, 2018

Why Microservices Architecture ?

Problem statement: What is microservices architecture?

Microservice architecture is a method of developing enterprise applications. Its architectural method is considered particularly ideal when you have to enable support for a range of platforms and devices—web, mobile, Internet of Things, and wearables—or simply when you’re not sure what kind of devices you’ll need to support in an increasingly cloudy future. 

1. Microservices is a method of developing software applications as a unit of independently deployable, small, modular services in which each service runs a unique process and communicates through a well defined, light weight mechanism to serve a business goal.

2. microservice gives developer the freedom to independently develop and deploy services.

3. microservices is a variant/type of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that structures an application as collection (group of individual service) of loosely coupled services.

4. Easy integration and automatic deployment (using open source continuous integration tools like Jenkins, Hudson)

5. When change is required in a certain part of the application, only the related service can be modified and redeployed — no need to modify and redeploy the entire application

6. Better fault isolation: If one microservice fails, the other will continue to work.

7. Easy to scale & integrate with third-party services.

8. Simple to understand & modify the service for developers, thus can help a new team member become productive quickly.

  • How the microservice communicates with each other ?
It uses HTTP / REST Webserives with JSON. REST(Representational State Transfer) is useful integration method
  • How Microservice Architecture Works?
  1. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)a modern programming paradigm (see also SOLID)
  2. Web service / APIa way to expose the functionality of your application to others, without a user interface
  3. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)a way of structuring many related applications to work together, rather than trying to solve all problems in one application
  4. Systemsin the general sense, meaning any collection of parts that can work together for a wider purpose
  5. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)the idea of code with one focus
  6. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)the idea of code with defined boundaries.

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